The base union for bike and motorcycle workers (S.V.E.O.D) was established in the spring of 2007. Any employee who uses a bike or motorbike for their job (couriers/delivery/ outside workers) can become a member of S.V.E.O.D. Through the union we struggle to improve our working conditions and our lives in general. Since we all share…
16/03/2023 – Denuncia de SVEOD de la injustificada represión de la movilización huelguística
Hoy jueves 16 de marzo , dia de la huelga general, denunciamos el ataque de la policía que sucedió sin razón y con mucha rabia a la plaza de Sintagma. La policía antidisturbios atacó concretamente y sin causa con bastones, gases lacrimógenos y granadas de aturdimiento a la gente de los sindicatos de base SVEOD…
16/03/2023 – Für die unnötige Repression der Streikmobilisierung
Ankündigung – Reklamation Heute, am Donnerstag, den 16. März 2023, dem Tag des landesweiten Streiks, verurteilen wir den unprovozierten, unprovozierten und hasserfüllten Angriff der Polizei, der in Pl. stattfand. Verfassung. Die Einsatzkräfte der Bereitschaftspolizei griffen ohne den geringsten Grund mit Schlagstöcken, Erstickungsgranaten, Blendgranaten und Tränengas den großen Streikblock der Hauptgewerkschaften der SBEOD- und SSM-Basis an,…
16/03/2023 – Denunciation by SVEOD of the unjustified repression of the strike mobilization
Statement – Denunciation Today Thursday 16th of March 2023, the day of general strike all over the national territory, we denounce the unprovoked, unjustified and hate-filled attack by the police, which happened in Syntagma Square. The police forces of the Antiriot Squad (MAT) attacked without the slightest reason, with batons, asphyxiants, flash bombs and tear…
Δικαστική δικαίωση συναδέλφων διανομέων σε Ιταλία – Ισπανία και Βραζιλία ενάντια στη Freelance εργασία
Η freelance εργασία είναι μισθωτή εργασία χωρίς δικαιώματα (Δεν το λέμε μόνο εμείς) Ευχάριστα και αισιόδοξα τα νέα από Ισπανία, Ιταλία και Βραζιλία. Όλο και συχνότερα αποδεικνύεται και στα δικαστήρια πως η freelance εργασία είναι εξαρτημένη σχέση εργασίας. Οι αγώνες των συναδέλφων, που εκφράζονται με απεργίες, μοτοπορείες και στάσεις εργασίας, με καταγγελίες στις αντίστοιχες επιθεωρήσεις και με…
What is Base Syndicalism – How does S.V.E.O.D. operate
Click here to download the pdf of the text. What is “Base Syndicalism”? How does the “Base Union Assembly for Bike and Motorcycle Riders” (S.V.E.O.D.) operate and what kind of syndicalism does it promote? A. Principles of functioning The general assembly of the “Base Union Assembly for Bike and Motorcycle Riders in…
Calendar SVEOD 2023
In order to not count the days without a reason, but to give them the meaning they deserve. A calendar dedicated to the international struggles in the profession. Knowing very well that the only real border is a class one, and everything else is nothing more than a few lines on a map which must…
La lotta dei lavoratori di Domino’s Pizza continua con una grande vittoria! (Atene, Grecia)
Colleghi e colleghe, Ci sono ottime novità per il nostro mestiere! Per l’ennesima volta giustizia è stata fatta, un ulteriore passo avanti per i nostri diritti è stato compiuto. Il collega Giorgos F. lavorava da 3 anni nella sede di Domino’s Pizza di Agia Paraskevi, dove rivendicava migliori condizioni di lavoro insieme ai propri colleghi…
Campaign of economic support of the Base Union Assembly for Bike and Motorcycle Riders (S.V.E.O.D.)
Open call To all our members and colleagues To all the people that support our struggles and get inspired by them, that smile when they see our motorbike demos, that feel victorious for every single one of our victories, that embrace Base Syndicalism To our class After 15 years of existence our union is now…
Statement of the Union of Efood’s Workers (Athens) on the recurring work accidents of efood’s colleagues
Athens, 12 August 2022 Statement of the Union of Efood’s Workers (Athens) on the recurring work accidents of efood’s colleagues Recently we have all witnessed work accidents that led to the death or serious injury of colleagues. In the never ending list of these daily horrors, there are some things in common. The majority of…