Paving the road for the First International Bike and Motorcycle Riders’ Strike. …and if there is no road, our common struggle will open the way… One hundred and thirty‐six years have passed since Chicago in 1886 and the demand for a stable job with decent working conditions and a salary that meets our real needs…
Our union’s viewpoint on the European Parliament legislative initiative for platform workers
Our union’s viewpoint on the European Parliament legislative initiative on fair working conditions, rights and social protection for platform workers – new forms of employment linked to digital development (2019/2186 (INI)). With the action plan for the European Social Rights Pillar, the European Commission has announced that by the end of 2021, it will present…
Notes on the victorious struggle with e-food
INTRODUCTION – BACKGROUND On the 15th of September (2021) the company “e-food”, a platform operating in the field of food delivery, sent a message to 115 of its workers whose fixed-term contracts with the slaver company MANPOWER were about to end on the 31st of the same month. In a cynical and threatening manner, the…
Our identity and why we keep up the struggle
The base union for bike and motorcycle workers (S.V.E.O.D) was established in the spring of 2007. Any employee who uses a bike or motorbike for their job (couriers/delivery/ outside workers) can become a member of S.V.E.O.D. Through the union we struggle to improve our working conditions and our lives in general. Since we all share…
In memoria di Theochàri Zòi
In memoria di Theochàri Zòi… La domenica del 9 febbraio 2022 tutti noi fattorini di e-food abbiamo letto sull’applicazione un messaggio che ci ha fatto raggelare: siamo stati informati della morte del collega 44enne Theochàri Zòi, il quale ha tratto il suo ultimo respiro in via Paleò Fàliro mentre lavorava. Esprimiamo la nostra vicinanza incondizionata…
Proposta per uno sciopero globale dei lavoratori con bici e moto per il 1° Maggio 2022
Atene, Grecia Apriamo la strada al primo sciopero internazionale dei lavoratori con bici e moto. … e se la strada è chiusa, sarà la lotta a liberarne il sentiero… Sono passati 136 anni dalle giornate di Chicago nel 1886 e la rivendicazione per un lavoro stabile, condizioni di lavoro dignitose e un salario che soddisfi…
The employment status of “freelancer” at Wolt conceals dependent work.
The employment status of “freelancer” at Wolt conceals dependent work. Form of the Base Assembly of Motorcycle Drivers (SVEOD), on the working conditions as they evolve in the businesses of digital intermediation services (platforms). See here the entire form in pdf.
Wie und warum wurden wir zur Streikentscheidung geführt?
Kolleg_innen / Zusteller_innen – Kurier_innen – Postbott_innen,am 8. Oktober 2020 werden wir als weitere “Station” auf dem”Weg” des Kampfes für unsere Rechte streiken. Vor fast einemJahr, im April 2019, trafen wir Kolleg_innen, einheimische undimmigrant_innen in einer Streik-Motorraddemonstration, die dasStadtzentrum überflutete, als ein Strom, beanspruchend undrufend über ein UNTERNEHMENSMOTORAD -SCHUTZMASSNAHMEN – EINHEITLICHEFACHSSPEZIALITÄT – SCHWERARBEITSWERTMARKEN.Wir haben gewonnen…
October 8, 2020 call for strike – How and why were we led to the decision to strike?
All deliverers / distributers – couriers – outdoor office workers How and why were we led to the decision to strike? Fellow deliverers / distributers – couriers – outdoor office workers, on October 8, 2020 we will strike again making another “stop” in the “route” of the fight for our rights. Almost a year ago,…